The Basaas App will no longer be developed and supported after 31.12.2021.Please use the new Basaas Chrome Extension instead.

Try Basaas in your browser. We no longer support the Basaas App (EOL)

As already announced in September, we will no longer support the Basaas App as of 31th December 2021. Also the app is no longer available for installation.

Some weeks ago we announced to fully focus on the Basaas browser version and the Chrome Extension. That’s why we will stop supporting the Basaas App as of 31th December 2021. Also, you can no longer download and install the app. For you it means that it is time to switch to the browser.

The app will still be usable, but no more bugs will be fixed. It is likely that with updates to your apps, more bugs will appear or the apps will stop working.

If you need help migrating to the browser or have any other questions, get in touch at